Student Center and Event Services

Student Center Board of Advisors

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About the Board

Student Center Board of Advisors


The purpose of the UCI Student Center Board of Advisors is to improve the Student Center’s operations and services.

What We Do

  • Makes recommendations to ensure the fiscal soundness and efficiency of the Student Center.
  • Suggests measures to meet the diverse needs of the campus community by encouraging quality social, cultural, and intellectual activities along with appropriate support services.

Who We Are

The Board of Advisors is comprised of at large students and representatives from Student Government, the UCI Alumni Association and staff. The Board of Advisors meets every other week during the academic year.


The Student Center Board of Advisors is interested in hearing suggestions and comments from the campus community. Meetings are held every other week at 4:00 p.m. and are open to the public. Join the public Zoom meeting:

Student Center Board of Advisors Public Zoom Meeting

Meetings start at 4:00 p.m. every other Wednesday


For formal proposals to the Student Center Board of Advisors, suggestions for improvement or additions to the facility, please email to request to be added to the next meeting agenda. In preparing your presentation, please provide information about the benefits to the campus, any potential costs associated and a business plan if applicable.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us at

Contact Us



Isabella Cao

Isabella Cao


Dominic Beltran

Vice Chair

Kalani Phillips

Marwah Naveed


At-Large Board Members

Noor Abuaita

Noor Abuaita

Ryder Dewitt

Adriana Espinoza

Adriana Espinoza

Avrena Ghatas

Avrena Ghatas

Quy Le

Nora Naguib

Nora Naguib

Elizabeth Pappous

Karsten Schubert

Karsten Schubert

Michael Zamora

Michael Zamora

Representative and Staff Board Members


ASUCI Representative

Brenda Bustos

AGS Representative

Frances Diaz

Dr. Frances Diaz

Staff Representative

Floyd Lai

Floyd Lai

Staff Representative

Yumi Saito

Yumi Saito

Staff Representative

Agustine Pimentel

Alumni Representative

Events and Activities

The Student Center Board holds a number of activities throughout the year, including:

  • Student Center Initiatives
  • Student Outreach
  • Engagement Activities
  • Treasure Hunts
  • Emerald Hallway Acrylic Display
  • Terrace Concert Series
  • Materials Madness
  • Student Center Social Media
  • Marketing Outreach

If you are interested in partnering with us or with suggesting an activity, please reach out to us.

Contact Us

A311 Student Center · Irvine, CA 92697-2050
Phone: 949.824.5252 · Email: